"Write something worth reading about or do something worth writing about."

This is me
A B.A. Honours graduate in Broadcasting and Journalism, I have extended experience across journalism, public relations, social media and podcasting. Primarily, I have been writing about electronic music, culture and travel since 2014, reporting from the party capital of the world - Ibiza.
Formerly the Editor-In-Chief of My Ibiza TV, I am currently freelancing for a variety of publications which over the years has included writing copy for DJ Mag, Pulse Radio, Data Transmission, Discover Ibiza, DMC World Magazine and more.
My biggest passion is delving deep into the roots of different subjects and portraying their story to the world through profile interviews, long-read features and podcasts. Yours could be next? Feel free to message me if interested.
Journalism Editorial
Public Relations
Copywriting Social Media
Interviews Reviews